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Somdetch Phra Debaratanarajasuda Chao Fa
Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (born Her Royal Highness Princess Sirindhorn) is the third child of Their
Majesties King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Queen Sirikit of Thailand.
Academic Career: |
1. Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy |
December 1980 |
Visiting Lecturer. |
December 25, 1980 |
Lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences, Academic Division. |
1986 |
Professor in Academic Division. |
1987 - present |
Head of the Department of History, Academic Division. |
2. Visiting Lecturer to
 Chulalongkorn University
 Thammasat University
 Chaing Mai University
 Silpakorn University |
3. Attendance at Seminars and Academic Workshops |
May 6 - 12, 1983 |
The Fifth Conference of Red Cross/Red Crescent of Countries within ASEAN. |
June 24 - 26, 1985 |
The Sixth Conference of Red Cross/Red Crescent of Countries within ASEAN, Singapore.
Paper presented: Review of Activities of Thai Red Cross Society. |
October 16, 1985 |
The Fifth World Food Day and 40th Anniversary of FAO, Bangkok, Thailand. |
June 1986 |
Geographic Information System (GIS) Workshop at the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. |
April 4 - 10, 1988 |
Meeting of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) to act as a Member of the Selection
Committee for the Hans Christian Anderson Prize. |
June 30, 1988 |
Lecture on King Chulalongkorn and National Reform in the Exhibition on "The Two Great Monarches:
Great Modernizers", Bangkok, Thailand. |
August 1988 |
Lecture on Application of Satellite Data, at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. |
November 23 - 29, 1988 |
The Ninth Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.
Paper presented: Land Use/Land Cover Map Accuracy Assessment of Landsat Thematic Mapper Data Using The Dimaps Image Processing System for Narathiwat Province. |
August 1989 |
Lecture on Education and Research Problems in Physical Geography in Thailand,
at Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand. |
August 30, 1989 |
Lecture on Geography in Daily Life, at Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand. |
November 2 - 4, 1989 |
Franco-Thai Workshop on Remote Sensing, Khon Kaen Hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand.
Paper presented: Analysis of Satellite Imageries for Landform - Soil Relationships in Phatthana Nikhom District, Lop Buri Province, Thailand. |
February 16 - 18, 1990 |
Chairman of the Seminar on "Language, History and New Developments in Thai Historical Studies", Chulachomklao Royal Military
Academy, Nakhon Nayok, Thailand.
Paper presented: The Province of Nakhon Nayok in the Second World War. |
April 18 - 25, 1990 |
The Twenty-Third International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Bangkok, Thailand.
Paper presented: Environmental and Agricultural Development Studies by Remote Sensing Techniques in Phatthana Nikhom District, Lop Buri Province, Thailand. |
June 19 - 29, 1990 |
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Slide presentation: Land Use/Land Cover Map Accuracy Assessment of Landsat Thematic Mapper Data Using The Dimaps Image
Processing System for Narathiwat Province. |
December 1990 |
TDRI (Thailand Development Research Institute) 1990 Year-End Conference: "Industrializing Thailand
and Its Impact on the Environment", at Ambassador City Chomtien Hotel, Chon Buri, Thailand. |
March 19, 1991 |
Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea.
Lecture: Agricultural Education for School Children. |
April 22 - 26, 1991 |
International Workshop on "Conservation and Sustainable Development", at Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. |
August 30, 1991 |
Magsaysay Foundation, The Philippines.
Lecture: My Experiences in Community Development in Thailand. |
October 16, 1991 |
The Eleventh World Food Day, FAO, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: Trees for Life. |
December 1991 |
TDRI (Thailand Development Research Institute) 1991 Year-End Conference: "Educational Options for
the Future of Thailand", at Ambassador City Chomtien Hotel, Chon Buri, Thailand. |
February 14 - 16, 1992 |
Chairman of the Seminar on: "A Hundred Years of Modernization in Siam and Looking to the Future", Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy,
Nakhon Nayok, Thailand.
Paper presented: Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy's Educational System and New Siam. |
August 19 - 26, 1992 |
ERS-1 & SPOT: "A Complementary Tool for Natural Resources Management", at the Asian Institute of Technology,
Bangkok, Thailand. |
October 7 - 11, 1992 |
The Thirteenth Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Ulan Bator, Mongolia.
Slide presentation: A Glimpse of Thailand. |
October 20, 1992 |
The Twelfth World Food Day, FAO, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: Food and Nutrition, A Basic Human Right. |
December 12, 1992 |
TDRI (Thailand Development Research Institute) 1992 Year-End Conference:
"Thailand's Economic Structure: Towards Balanced Development ?", at Ambassador City Chomtien Hotel, Chon Buri, Thailand. |
July 1, 1993 |
National Seminar for Decision Makers on "Potential Applications of ERS-1 in Thailand", at the Asian
Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. |
July 1993 |
Conference Committee of Honour, 5th International Conference on Thai Studies - SOAS, London. |
October 15, 1993 |
The Thirteenth World Food Day, FAO, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: Harvesting Nature's, Diversity. |
November 8, 1993 |
International Seminar and Exhibition on "Usage of Water Resources and the Environment",
at Ambassador Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. |
December 10, 1993 |
TDRI (Thailand Development Research Institute) 1993 Year-End Conference:
"Who Gets What And How ?: Challenges for the Future",
at Ambassador City Chomtien Hotel, Chon Buri, Thailand. |
December 14, 1993 |
International Workshop on "Sustainable Agricultural Development", at the Asian Institute of Technology,
Bangkok, Thailand. |
June 17, 1994 |
National Seminar on "Eradication of Iodine Deficiency in Thailand", at Central Plaza Hotel, Bangkok,
Thailand. |
September 19, 1994 |
The Second Asian Region Seminar on "Food Security", at Shangrila Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. |
October 17, 1994 |
The Fourteenth World Food Day, FAO, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: Water for Life. |
February 21, 1995 |
International Conference on "24th International Colloquium of the International Potash Institute (IPI):
Potassium in Asia Balanced Fertilization to Increase and Sustain Agricultural Production",
at Chiang Mai Orchid Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand. |
June 2, 1995 |
Thailand IT Year 1995, to celebrate the Fiftieth Anniversary (Golden Jubilee) Celebrations of His Majesty's
Acession to the Throne, at ESCAP Hall, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: IT: Solution for Quality of Life. |
September 30, 1995 |
Academic Workshops and Exhibition on "Decade of Academic Work of the Pikun Thong Royal
Development Study Centre", at Pikun Thong Royal Development Study Centre, Narathiwat,
Thailand. |
October 16, 1995 |
The Fifteenth World Food Day, FAO, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: Food for All. |
November 4, 1995 |
International Conference on "Small Satellite Technology", at Suranaree Technology University,
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. |
November 7, 1995 |
Somdetch Phra Debaratanarajsuda's Day 1995, at Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: Education and the Development of the Country. |
November 20, 1995 |
The Sixteenth Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, at Suranaree Technology University,
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. |
November 22, 1995 |
Academic Seminar on "Twenty Year of Cordial Relations between Thailand and China", at Government House,
Bangkok, Thailand. |
December 11, 1995 |
The Third Franco - Thai Workshop on "Archaeological Contributions to the Study of Ancient States in Thailand",
at Royal River Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. |
February 4, 1996 |
Academic Seminar on "Nakhon Nayok Province", at Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy,
Nakhon Nayok, Thailand. |
February 6, 1996 |
The International Seminar on "Vetiver : A Miracle Grass", at Dusit Island Resort Hotel, Chiang Rai, Thailand. |
May 23, 1996 |
The First Seminar on "Information Technology for the Disable", at Imperial Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. |
September 30 - October 2, 1996 |
The Ninth Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent of Countries within ASEAN, at Montien Hotel,
Bangkok, Thailand. |
October 7, 1996 |
Thai - Sweden Academic Seminar on "Biodiversity and Biotechnology", at Siam Intercontinental Hotel,
Bangkok, Thailand. |
October 14, 1996 |
The International Meeting on "Thai Studies", at Lotus Pangsuankaew Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand. |
October 19, 1996 |
The Sixteenth World Food Day, FAO, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address : Fighting Hunger and Malnutrition. |
October 21, 1996 |
The International Seminar on "Geography and the Development of Southeast Asia Region", at Lotus
Pangsuankaew Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand. |
December 14 - 15, 1996 |
TDRI (Thailand Development Research Institute) 1996 Year-End Conference on "Government
Reform for the Future of Thailand", at Ambassador City Chomtien Hotel, Chon Buri, Thailand. |
January 10, 1997 |
Academic Seminar on "Development to Increase the Basic Potentials of School-Age Children",
at the Regent Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. |
January 18, 1997 |
Seminar on "His Majesty's Concept of Development Indicated in His Book:
The Story of Mahajanaka, at National Institute of Development and Administration, Bangkok, Thailand. |
February 27, 1997 |
Academic Seminar on "Information Technology for Economic and Social Development", at ESCAP Hall,
Bangkok, Thailand. |
August 25, 1997 |
The Tenth National Seminar on "Mangrove Forest Ecology", at J.B. Hotel, Songkhla, Thailand. |
October 13, 1997 |
The Seventeenth World Food Day, FAO, Bangkok, Thailand. Keynote Address: Investing in Food Security. |
November 12, 1997 |
The International Meeting on "IAU Fourth Mid-Term Conference", at Chulalongkorn University,
Bangkok, Thailand. |
December 1, 1997 |
The Third Unesco - Aceid International Conference on "Educational Innovation for
Sustainable Development", at the Imperial Queen's Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. |
December 2, 1997 |
Academic Seminar on "Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium (Incorporating SNLP'97)",
at the Cape Panwa Hotel, Phuket, Thailand. |
January 28, 1998 |
Thailand - International Conference on "Paediatric ORL and Otology Update",
at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre, Bangkok, Thailand. |
June 25, 1998 |
Thai - IRRI Collaborative Research and Training Planning Meeting on
"New Frontiers in Developing the Rice Industry in Thailand", at Central Plaza Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. Keynote Address: Thai Rice. |
September 29, 1998 |
The International Conference on "Peri - Urban Vegetable Production in the Asia - Pacific Region for the 21st
Century", at Kasesart University, Bangkok, Thailand. |
October 16, 1998 |
The Eighteenth World Food Day and 53rd Anniversary of FAO, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: Women Feed the World. |
November 2, 1998 |
The 8th ASEAN Congress of Neurological Surgery and the 3rd ASEAN Neurosurgical Nursing Congress,
at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre, Bangkok, Thailand. |
November 16, 1998 |
The Regional Consultative Meeting on International Health Development, at Central Plaza Hotel,
Bangkok, Thailand. |
November 23, 1998 |
The Inauguration Ceremony of the 29th World Conference of International Union Against Tuberculosis and
Lung Disease (IUALTD) - the Global Congress on Lung Health, at Shangrila Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. |
December 11, 1998 |
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, U.K.
Lecture: Loving Nature to Promote the Country's Wellbeing. |
December 18, 1998 |
Thai - French Symposium on "Space Technology for National Development", at the Regent Hotel,
Bangkok, Thailand. |
February 20, 1999 |
The International Meeting on "The 6th
Asian Pacific Congress of Cardiac Rehabilitation & 31st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Heart Association of Thailand",
at Shangri-la Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. |
March 30, 1999 |
Academic Seminar on "The Role of S & T for Economic
Restructuring in Thailand", Annual Conference and Exhibition of National Science and Technology Development Agency, Ministry of Science,
Technology and Environment, at ESCAP Hall, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: Innovation Technology and Country Development. |
May 30, 1999 |
The 7th International Conference on "Thalassaemia and
Haemoglobinopathies", at the Inperial Queen Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. |
August 23, 1999 |
The 65th IFLA Council and General Conference on
"Libraries as Gateway to an Enlightened World", under the Royal Patronage of H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej, at Bangkok
International Trade and Conference Centre (BITEC), Bangkok, Thailand. |
August 30, 1999 |
The 50th Anniversary of the Geneva
Convention 1949, at the main Conference Room, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Keynote Address: Humanism and War. |
September 21, 1999 |
The International Seminar on "International Program
on Rice Biotechnology", at Le Meridian Hotel, Phuket, Thailand. |
October 13, 1999 |
The International Seminar on "Fifth Asia Pacific Congress on
Animal, Plant and Microbial Toxins", at Royal Cliff Beach Hotel, Pattaya, Chon Buri, Thailand. |
October 16, 1999 |
The Nineteenth World Food Day And 54th Anniversary of FAO,
Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: Youth against Hunger. |
October 20, 1999 |
The 4th Combined Meeting of
Spinal and Paediatric of WPOA and the 21st Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Orthopaedic Association,
at Royal Cliff Beach Hotel, Pattaya, Chon Buri, Thailand. |
October 25, 1999 |
The Public Congress on Science & Technology
for Development Conference, at Bangkok International Trade and Conference Centre (BITEC), Bangkok, Thailand. |
November 10, 1999 |
Academic Seminar on "Food and Nutrition Perspective
beyond the year 2000", at Asia Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. |
November 23, 1999 |
Academic Seminar on "From Japan to Arabia:
Ayutthaya's Maritime Relations with Asia", by Dr. Kennon Breazeale from East-West Centre, Hawaii, U.S.A., at Princess Maha
Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre, Bangkok, Thailand. |
January 19, 2000 |
The International Seminar on "Vetiver : A Miracle Grass",
at Dusit Polo Club Hotel, Phetchaburi, Thailand. |
April 24, 2000 |
Academic Seminar on "Science & Technology
for Sufficiency Economics", Annual Conference and Exhibition of National Science and Technology Development Agency,
Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, at ESCAP Hall, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: Science and Sufficiency Economics. |
June 29, 2000 |
The Third International Seminar on
"C24 World Marketing Conference", at Le Royal Meridian Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. |
September 12, 2000 |
A Seminar on the Conservation of Thai Cultural Legacy Day,
2000", at Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Centre, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: Geography and Thai Ways of Life. |
October 3, 2000 |
The Sixth International Meeting of Geo Pacific and Exhibition on
"Understanding and Managing Our Geospatial World", at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre, Bangkok, Thailand. |
November 14, 2000 |
Thai-France Seminar on "Geographical Indications of Origins
and Strategies of Rural Economic Development", at the Royal Orchid Sheraton Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. |
November 20, 2000 |
The Second Academic Seminar on "Mahaparata :
Relations to Thai Culture", at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: Mahaparata pictures. |
November 21, 2000 |
Somdetch Phra Debaratanarajsuda's Day 2000,
at Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Keynote Address: Her Royal Highness Princess Srinagarindra, the Princess Mother, and Education in Thailand. |
November 27, 2000 |
International Conference on "Sustainable Community Tourism
Destination Management: From Rhetoric to Practice", at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. |
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