Music: H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej
Lyric: H.H. Prince Chakrabandh Pensiri
I'm in love with you over again,
My darling, when you sing
Love's refrain for me.
How can I ever forget you, dear?
I will be so happy
When you're near again.
A slave of your love
Forever I will remain.
Heaven up above
Won't let me love in vain.
I'm in love with you over again,
Dear, will you love me too
As much as I do?
I'm in love with you with all my heart
In my scheme, in my dream,
Lover's part is you.
Everday it seems so cold and gray.
I'm so blue without you
While I stay in love.
When you're far away
You're all that I'm thinking of.
There will come a day
When you'll return, my love.
With your love, how happy I will be,
Forever and ever. So happy in love.
copyright His Majesty King Bhumibol of Thailand
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