Music: H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej
Lyric: H.H. Prince Chakrabandh Pensiri
The song you sing me
Has sweetest words and melody.
It's love-laden flare
That keeps my heart all aflame.
I wonder if you really care
Or is it just a game
Of teasing poor me
Ever to be your slave of love?
Listen to sweetwords
In your song of love?
Like the tunes of birds
Singing up above.
How am I to know
Those sweet words are true?
Please say so.
Don't say no.
Say you mean it too.
Though your melody haunted me,
But your heart I never knew
You can sing along
Sweet love song
But the words may not be true.
If the song you sing
Has sweet words sincere,
Please, darling
Keep singing.
Forever, dear.
copyright His Majesty King Bhumibol of Thailand
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