Music: H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej
Lyric: H.H. Prince Chakrabandh Pensiri
We used to be so hungry,
We used to be so blue;
But now we know that you all
Enjoy the song we play along
The whole night through.
We used to be unhappy,
We used to be so blue;
But then you gave us supper,
We love to play all night and day
For all of you.
Les croissants au jambon,
Et sandwiches sont tres bon;
The punch's fine, the good wine.
Have all been wonderful
To band of mine.
We used to be so hungry,
We used to be so blue;
But then you gave us supper,
You 've been so kind, so
Never Mind the H.M. Blues.
copyright His Majesty King Bhumibol of Thailand
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