Music: H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej
Lyric: H.H. Prince Chakrabandh Pensiri
Love in spring sets my heart aflame,
Burning as embers glow.
Everytime when I hear your name,
Then my burning tears begin to flow.
There'll come a day
When skies will be so blue.
May be you'll say
You are in love with me too.
I'll find joy then in everything,
For I find my love in spring
I am longing for love in spring
When the days are so fair.
What supreme happiness it'll bring.
All the red roses bloom everywhere.
Birds in the trees
Will sing a lovely tune.
And in the breeze
We'll watch the bright lovely moon.
I'll find joy then in everything,
for I find my love in spring.
copyright His Majesty King Bhumibol of Thailand
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