Music: H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej
Lyric: H.H. Prince Chakrabandh Pensiri
I never dream that I will ever find you.
I never dream my dreams will ever come true.
My thoughts were like the weary winding little streams,
That would never meet the sea, it seems.
No matter where I roamed away from my home alone,
I found no one at all, no one I could call my own.
And I never dream the sun will ever shine again,
While skies are full of thunder storms and rain.
I never dream that I will ever find my way,
My life was like an endless journey night and day,
Like travelling through the night without the moon above,
I could never dream I'd find my love.
But then you came along, like a lovely song so sweet.
And every time you kiss, my heart would just miss a beat.
So I never have to dream since I have found you
Sweetheart, now you have made my dreams come true.
copyright His Majesty King Bhumibol of Thailand
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