Music: H.M.K. Bhumibol Adulyadej
Lyric: Prof. Thanpuying Nopakhun Thongyai Na Ayudhya
Rain winds sweep across the plain.
Thunder rumbles on high.
Lightening flashes; Bows the grain.
Birds in fright nestward fly.
But the rain pours down in blessing;
Filled with cheer our hearts expand.
As the woods with notes of pleasure ring,
Sunlight streams o'er the land.
Bright the rainbow comes in view.
All the world's cool and clean.
Angels's tears the flowers renew.
Nature glistens in green.
Rain beads sparkle in your hair, love.
Rainbows glitter when you smile.
Thus we soon forget the clouds above,
Beauty so does beguile.
copyright His Majesty King Bhumibol of Thailand
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